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Scientist B (Medical) Vacancy – NIRRH,Maharashtra

Last Date:31 December,2020
National Institute For Research in Reproductive Health (NIRRH)

National Institute For Research in Reproductive Health (NIRRH) is inviting eligible candidates to apply online for 1 contractual posts of Scientist B (Medical).Interested and Eligible Candidates may apply online by 31-12-2020 , after making sure that they meet the concerned eligibility criteria. All personal and educational details must be mentioned properly.

Employment Notification Scientist B (Medical) Vacancy – NIRRH,Maharashtra

Name of the post –Scientist B (Medical)
No of post – 01
Pay Scale – Rs 68875

Educational Qualification:
1st Class Master Degree Public Health and min 2 yrs experience OR PhD OR MBBS and min 3 yrs experience / MD.

Apply to Scientist B (Medical) Vacancy – NIRRH,Maharashtra

General Conditions:

  • NIRRH/Proj./AP/241/2020 Online applications are invited on or before 31st December 2020. For following vacancy under ICMR Extra-mural ad-hoc project entitled “Implementation of Dakshata programme to improve quality of institutional deliveries in a tribal block of Maharashtra” to be filled at ICMR-NIRRH. Details regarding online interview will be informed later. Applications will be screened and selected candidates will be invited for online interview in 6th January, 2021 through Webex. Candidates should note that the post is required at ICMR-NIRRH Mumbai and will involve frequent travelling to Jawhar and Dahanu in Palghar District for data collection.
  • Title of project: “Implementation of Dakshata programme to improve quality of institutional deliveries in a tribal block of Maharashtra” funded by ICMR.
  • Age relaxation for SC/ST/OBC/PWD/Candidates will be as per the government rules.
  • Qualification/degree should be from a reputed Institution/University.
  • Mere fulfilling the essential qualification/experience does not guarantee for selection.
  • Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.
  • No TA/ DA will be paid either for attending the interview or joining the post.
  • Persons already in regular time scale service under any Government Department / Organizations are not eligible.
  • Written test in the subject area will be held, if required to shortlist candidate of the interview on the same day depending upon the number of candidate.
  • The Director & appointing authority has the right to accept/reject any application without assigning any reason and no correspondence in this matter will be entertained.
  • Please give the details of two responsible persons of your locality or two references to whom you are known.
  • Candidates can join online Interview on Webex video call app at scheduled time. Bad connection/ connection failure from any side will not be the responsibility of ICMR-NIRRH, Mumbai.
  • Candidates, who will be interviewed online, if they are selected, will have to produce original documents of their Qualification, Age & Experience before joining. If the same are not found correct, their selection will be cancelled immediately.
  • Due to the lockdown, Travel barriers and urgency of shouldering the workload, preference will be given to regional/local candidates so as to joinediately.
  • Candidates are advised to keep looking at the website of this Institute for any change, results or any other information.
  • Applying for the post of Scientist-B (Medical) :-
  • Interested candidates with qualifications may apply online for concerned posts as per given online application form. No need to send print to National Institute For Research in Reproductive Health at this stage. Eligible candidates will be intimated about further proceedings. Keeping a print copy for future use is advised.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice Scientist B (Medical) Vacancy – NIRRH,Maharashtra

  • The mandate of the Institute is to address the reproductive health issues of national and global relevance. The institute was established with an objective to develop novel and efficacious modalities for fertility regulation through research and thereby assist the government in its mission to stem the population boom. In the past four decades, however, the institute has grown beyond the mandate with which it was entrusted at the time of its genesis. In the wake of new challenges posed by new socio-economic structure, lifestyle modifications, environmental hazards etc. the Institute has expanded its research agenda across the broad field of sexual and reproductive health, in tune with the needs and priorities projected in the National Population Policy 2000. A comprehensive approach, on various aspects of reproductive health rather than addressing them in isolation, is adopted. Biomedical research, clinical evaluation and social science questions which allow incorporation of research results into policy and decision making are systematically amalgamated in formulating various research programs. Research at the institute is linked to the potential user’s perception, and betterment of delivery systems for effectively meeting the healthcare needs. It is intended to promote the use of research results in policy making and planning at the national level, and contribute to the setting of standards and guidelines in the field of reproductive health research. The perspectives and health needs of women and various underserved population groups such as tribal communities, urban slums and adolescents are given special emphasis while formulating research proposals. The programmes also focus on increasing the participation of men in planned parenthood for better reproductive health.
  • High priority is being given to implement the following strategic issues: develop more effective and safer fertility regulating technologies; develop safer medical methods for pregnancy termination; detect, diagnose and treat RTIs including STIs and HIV; ensure safe pregnancies; promote child health and development; alleviate health concerns related to menopause and osteoporosis; address female infertility and associated disorders such as endometriosis, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome(PCOS), Premature Ovarian Failure (POF) and idiopathic male infertility. Goal is also to develop effective means for early detection of gynaecological cancers such as cervical and ovarian cancers. Further it is aimed to develop knowledge data bases of various reproductive disorders.
  • The Institute also foresees the importance of open-ended and exploratory research. Research on some exciting new areas such as functional genomics, structural biology, bioinformatics, preclinical reproductive and genetic toxicology, stem cell research and reproductive tract cancers has been initiated. Such research is essential to bring in fresh insights and create new hypothesis in the field of reproductive health. The infrastructure and the technical skills of the faculty are periodically strengthened by introducing state-of-the-art technologies and providing opportunities to staff for updating their skills.
  • The Institute strives to (i) conduct biomedical, clinical, operational, and socio-behavioural research on various aspects of reproductive health; (ii) strengthen research capacities, by way of generating human resources trained in reproductive health through regular academic programs and other short term training programs (iii) facilitate propagation of research observations into policy making and planning at national level and also translation of research discoveries to commercial products (iv) provide consultant assistance to other institutions (v) collaborate with national and international organizations in an effort to promote research and research capacity strengthening in reproductive health; and vi) disseminate information pertaining to advances in reproductive health research among researchers; and knowledge on reproductive health issues to underserved communities.

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