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Senior Research Fellow Vacancy – ISI,Tamil Nadu

Last Date:11 January,2021
Indian Statistical Institute (ISI)
Tamil Nadu

Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU)will Conduct a Walkin interview for 1the positions of Senior Research Fellow on contractual basis.Interested candidates must attend the walkin interview along with duly filled application in the prescribed format, all original documents, photocopies of all certificates etc on 11-01-2021 (9 AM) at given venue.

Employment Notification Senior Research Fellow Vacancy – ISI,Tamil Nadu

Name of the post – Senior Research Fellow
No of post – 01
Pay Scale – Rs 25000 – 31000

Educational Qualification:
Master degree from Farm University M.Sc. (PBG)

Apply to Senior Research Fellow Vacancy – ISI,Tamil Nadu

General Conditions:

  • An interview (online or in person, maintaining all preventive measures for COVID-19 as directed by the Government of India) will be conducted on 28 January 2021 at 11:00 a.m. in the Conference Room of the Library Division of the Institute, Kolkata for recruitment of three (03) Project linked persons purely on temporary basis for various functions and services in the Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis Museum & Archives of the Institute, Kolkata.
  • Trainees will be oriented with various functions & services of the Museum and will get a chance to learn about Archives file maintenance, maintenance of Museum Artefact, Iligh-resolution scanning, Digital restoration of archival document/photo, Large scale data/ photo entry, Logbook maintenance etc.
  • The tenure of appointment will be upto 31 March 2021 from the date of his/her joining the Institute, which may be extended later/terminated earlier, depending on availability of funds and performance of the candidate:
  • Should not exceed 35 years as on 01 January 2021 with usual relaxation for
    SC/ST/OBC/differently abled candidates as per Government of India norms.
  • Eligible and interested candidates should apply for the positions with a cover letter in English addressed to the Chief Librarian, Library, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata and must contain the following particulars of (a) Name. (In block letters), (b) Mailing Address, (c) E-mail Address, (d) Telephone/Mobile NO., (e) Parent’s/Spouse’s Name, (f) Date of birth, (g) Aadhaar No. (h) Academic Qualifications (mentioning the percentage of marks obtained in each examination), (i) Experience (if any), (j) SC/ST/OBC/Differently abled status and self attested soft copies of all documents/ testimonials latest by 19 January 2021 thrOugh email to: Please write, “Application for Project linked person” in the subject line of the e-mail. At the time of joining, -selected candidates have to produce all relevant documents/testimonials in original for verification and a medical certificate of fitness from the Medical Officer of the Institute. Failing this, the institute will offer the position to the next candidate in the merit list prepared for this purpose. The selection of the candidates will be based on their consistent good academic record & performance in the interview. No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates for attending the interview. CVs with incomplete information or without supporting documents will be summarily rejected. Shortlisted candidates will be notified for online/ or in person interview via, e-mail to the address provided in the application. The selected candidates will work from Monday to Saturday (six days a week) and may he ready to work in different shills and weekends on a rotation basis if required. For any query/clarification, you may write to us at ksatpathy( The Institute reserves the right not to appoint any, of the above. This advertisement is also
    available on the website haps://www.isicaLaain/jobs.
  • Application forms will be received to concerned email by : 19-01-2021 .
  • Interview Date:28-01-2021
  • Received applications will be scrutinized and suitable candidates will be called for further proceedings (Interviews etc.).
  • Eligible candidates may apply for concerned posts by sending their application to concerned email address, as per prescribed format. No need to send print to Indian Statistical Institute Kolkata at this stage. Keeping a print copy for future use is advised though. Only eligible candidates will be entertained, therefore candidates must make sure that they meet the concerned eligibility criteria.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice Senior Research Fellow Vacancy – ISI,Tamil Nadu

  • Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) is a public research university which is recognized as institute of national importance in 1959 act of the Indian parliament.It grew out of the Statistical Laboratory set up by Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis in Presidency College, Kolkata. Established in 1931, this university of India is one of the oldest and most prestigious institutions focused on statistics, and its early reputation led it to being adopted as a model for the first US institute of Statistics set up at the Research Triangle, North Carolina by Gertrude Mary Cox.
  • Mahalanobis, the founder of ISI, was deeply influenced by wisdom and guidance of Rabindranath Tagore and Brajendranath Seal. Under his leadership, the institute initiated and promoted the interaction of Statistics with natural and social sciences to advance the role of Statistics as a key technology by explicating the twin aspects – its general applicability and its dependence on other disciplines for its own development. The institute is now considered as one of the foremost centres in the world for training and research in Computer science, Statistics, Quantitative Economics and related sciences.
  • ISI has its headquarters in Bonhooghly (Baranagar), Kolkata, West Bengal. It has four subsidiary centres focused in academics at Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai and Tezpur, and a branch at Giridih. In addition, the Institute has a network of units of Statistical Quality Control and Operations Research at Vadodara, Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Mumbai and Pune engaged in guiding the industries, within and outside India, in developing the most up–to–date quality management systems and solving critical problems of quality, reliability and productivity.
  • Primary activities of ISI are research and training of Statistics, development of theoretical Statistics and its applications in various natural and social sciences. Originally affiliated with the University of Calcutta, the institute was declared an institute of national importance in 1959, through an act of Indian parliament, Indian Statistical Institute act, 1959. ISI functions under the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MOSPI) of the Government of India.
  • Key areas of expertise of ISI are Statistics, Computer Science, Mathematics, Mathematical Economics, Operations Research and Information Science and it is one of the few research oriented Indian schools offering courses at both the undergraduate and graduate level.
  • ISI’s origin can be traced back to the Statistical Laboratory in Presidency College, Kolkata set up by Mahalanobis, who worked in the Physics Department of the college in the 1920s. During 1913–15, he did his Tripos in Mathematics and Physics at University of Cambridge,where he came across Biometrika, a journal of Statistics founded by Karl Pearson.Since 1915, he taught Physics at Presidency College,but his interest in Statistics grew under the guidance of polymath Brajendranath Seal.Many colleagues of Mahalanobis took an interest in Statistics and the group grew in the Statistical Laboratory. Considering the extensive application of Statistics in solving various problems in real life such as analyzing multivariate anthropometric data, applying sample surveys as a method of data collection, analyzing meteorological data, estimating crop yield etc., this group, particularly, Mahalanobis and his younger colleagues S. S. Bose and H. C. Sinha felt the necessity of forming a specialized institute to facilitate research and learning of Statistics.

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