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Senior Research Fellow Vacancy – IVRI,Uttar Pradesh

Last Date:15 December,2020
Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI)
Uttar Pradesh

Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI) is inviting eligible candidates to apply for 1 contractual posts of Senior Research Fellow.Interested Eligible Candidates may send their applications as per prescribed format to concerned E-mail address by 15-12-2020 . All the relevant documents must be sent alongwith application form, as proof of suitability for the posts. Email subject must be formed properly, containing name of post applied for.

Employment Notification Senior Research Fellow Vacancy – IVRI,Uttar Pradesh

Name of the post – Senior Research Fellow
No of post – 01
Pay Scale – Rs 31000

Educational Qualification:
Master’s in Agriculture Economics / Livestock Economics / Dairy Economics / Economics OR Master’s in Statistics/Biostatistics OR Master’s in Agriculture Extension/ Veterinary Extension OR Master’s in Livestock Product Technology / Food Technology OR Master’s in Animal Husbandry

Apply to Senior Research Fellow Vacancy – IVRI,Uttar Pradesh

General Instruction:

  • Online applications are invited to attend Interview (in-person/online through video conferencing) from interested and eligible candidates fulfilling all the requirements for the following purely temporary position under ICAR-NIAP Network project ‘Policy imperatives for promoting value chain of agricultural commodities in India’.
  • Owing to the prevailing COVID-19 crisis, candidates will be intimated about mode of interview. The interested candidates are required to send their biodata by E-mail at mentioning clearly the project name and post for which applied for latest by 15-12-2020. After screening the applications, the eligible candidates will be informed for further details regarding interview by email or over phone. Original documents will be verified at a later stage.
  • Age limit: Maximum age 35 years for SRF(age relaxation of five years for SC/ST & women and three years for OBC).
  • The posts are purely temporary and will be filled on contractual basis. The project period is upto 31.03.2021 which is likely to be extended.
  • The selected candidate shall not claim regular appointment at this Institute or any ICAR Institutes, as the post is co-terminus with the project.
  • The interview for eligible candidates will be held online, details of which will be communicated to eligible candidates by email.
  • Reporting time for online interview will be communicated and all candidates shall adhere to the instructions.
  • The candidates will have to compulsorily fill application form (as per the format annexed), all the self attested scanned certificates from matriculation onwards, date of birth certificate, NET/equivalent certificate, degree certificate or provisional and a recent photograph must be enclosed. Proof of experience and publications also need to be sent by email by 15th Dec, 2020. The selected candidate will be required to produce all original documents and medical certificate at the time of joining.
  • No TA/DA/any other expenses will be paid for attending the interview.
  • Only the candidates having essential qualifications would be entertained for the online interview.
  • Concealing of facts or canvassing in any form shall lead to disqualification or termination.
  • The candidate intending to attend the online interview, if any of his near or distant relative is an employee of the ICAR/IVRI, have to declare his/her name, designation, nature of duties, relationship in writing so as to reach by 15th December 2020. If on the date of online interview such declaration is furnished and found that his relative is an employee of ICAR/IARI, such candidate will not be allowed to appear in the interview.
  • The Director, ICAR-IVRI, Izatnagar reserves the right to cancel/postpone the interview without assigning any reason thereof.
  • The Director shall also reserve the right to terminate the contract of job as mentioned above, even before the completion of the project for which no appeal thereof shall be made.
  • Eligible candidates may apply for concerned posts by sending their application to concerned email address, as per prescribed format. No need to send print to Indian Veterinary Research Institute at this stage. Keeping a print copy for future use is advised though. Only eligible candidates will be entertained, therefore candidates must make sure that they meet the concerned eligibility criteria.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice Senior Research Fellow Vacancy – IVRI,Uttar Pradesh

  • Established in 1889, the Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI) is one of the premier research institutions dedicated to livestock research and development of the region. The institute with faculty strength of more than 275 has a major mandate of research, teaching, consultancy and technology transfer activities. The institute with its long scientific heritage has always enjoyed a certain prestige, a tradition all of its own. The institute imparts quality post-graduate education to students not only from various parts of the country, but also from overseas. Today, the institute with its deemed to be university status contributes immensely to human resource development in the discipline of veterinary sciences with skills and knowledge necessary for the challenges of the new millennium. It awards degrees to master and doctoral programmes in more than 20 disciplines of veterinary and animal sciences, livestock products technology, basic sciences and extension education. To impart continuing education to field veterinarians, the institute also conducts diploma courses in veterinary preventive medicine, animal husbandry, veterinary biological products, animal reproduction, poultry husbandry, medicine and surgery, zoo and wild animal health care and management, meat and meat products technology.
  • The institute’s research is currently addressed with clear benchmarking of deliverables through 89 research and 28 service projects. The institute undertake basic, advanced and applied research through 98 externally funded projects. A number of national and international research projects on animal health and production systems are addressed by the institute. Presently 5 National Agricultural Innovation Projects,6 NASF Projects 6 All India Network Projects, 3 Outreach Program, 2 Consortia projects , 39 DBT funded projects and 19 Other funded projects are operational. Besides these extramural funded programmes the institute is having 5 international collaborative projects with USA, UK, IAEA, etc.
  • The institute continues to play an important role in quality control and potency testing of immunobiologicals to various stakeholders with a good liaison with industry. In the liberalized scenario, to my mind this represents the inherent and fundamental strength of IVRI. Kisan Mela and Pashu Vigyan Pradarshini and other extension activities including KVK, ATIC, Helpline, etc. play a key role in technology transfer mission of the institute.
  • I welcome this opportunity to share information with you. I am particularly pleased to make a special mention of the recent website with new look and updated information. It gives me a great sense of satisfaction and happiness in creating a unified vision of the opportunities and challenges across the organization. I hope the information covered through this website on IVRI provides some glimpses of this oldest research institution widely known as “Mecca of Veterinary Sciences” in the region. I take this opportunity to welcome you to visit the site and we are open to suggestions, If any on improvement of this web based information.

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