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Special Recruitment Drive – IIM Visakhapatnam

IIM Recruitment

Special Recruitment Drive - IIM VisakhapatnamSPECIAL RECRUITMENT DRIVE FOR OBC/SC/ST/EWS/PWD FOR FACULTY POSITIONS REF. NO. 02/SRD/F/2020 DATED AUGUST 26, 2020 IIM Visakhapatnam (the Institute, IIMV) invites applications for faculty positions from candidates belonging to OBC/SC/ST/EWS/PwD categories only, with outstanding academic record and proven credentials in teaching and research in management in schools of repute in India/abroad. Current/future vacancies are at the levels of Associate Professor and Assistant Professor, in regular capacity.

Management Disciplines/Areas for IIMV

Decision Sciences; Economics & Social Sciences; Entrepreneurship; Finance & Accounting; Information Systems; Management Communication; Marketing; Organizational Behaviour & Human Resources Management; Production & Operations Management; and Strategy.

Employment Notification Special Recruitment Drive – IIM Visakhapatnam

Minimum Educational Qualifications for [Associate Professor & Assistant Professor]

  • PhD degree or equivalent, with at least 55% of marks or equivalent CGPA in the preceding degree in the appropriate discipline, with a very good academic record throughout. (Applicants MUST make sure, before applying, of their having obtained at least 55% of marks or equivalent CGPA, where necessary, CGPA to Percentage conversions issued by their respective degree/diploma-awarding universities / institutions).
  • Successful track record of teaching; training; research; and publications in reputed peer-reviewed journals.

Selection Process for IIM

  1. A set of Committees constituted by the Institute will carry out the screening and selection processes.
  2. The process would normally involve (i) short-listing of candidates based on suitability as ascertained from the applications; (ii) seminar-presentation by the short-listed candidates; and, (iii) interview for the further short-listed candidates (i.e. for only those who qualify in the seminar round). It is reiterated that only those candidates who qualify in the seminar are taken forward to the interview round.
  3. Candidates may be considered for a post lower than that applied for, if they are otherwise found suitable.
  4. If the pandemic situation improves and interviews are held with physical presence, reimbursement of return economy airfare by the shortest route (domestic sector only) and accommodation (free of cost) will be provided to the candidates who attend the faculty seminar. Else, interviews would be held online (in virtual mode).
  5. The Institute reserves the right to include in the recruitment process, those suitable candidates too, who may not apply.

How to apply to IIMV

  • Interested candidates are invited to apply using the prescribed format only, available on the website ( Applications not conforming to the format are liable to be rejected.
  •  Certificate issued by the Competent Authority clearly showing the category (OBC/SC/ST/EWS/PwD) to which the applicant belongs MUST be attached with the Application Form. Without it, the Application will not be considered as part of the Special Recruitment Drive. Except the Category Certificate, no copy of any other certificate/supporting documentation need be attached/submitted. Such proof would be sought ONLY from short-listed applicants.
  • Scanned, copies of the completely filled-in and signed (self-attested) application form (in Word and PDF format), along with Category Certificate (only) should be sent through e-mail on by 28-Sep-2020, 1700 Hrs.
  • Important: Hard copy of the application, as submitted by mail, with all pages along with additional sheets / annexures (forming part of the application) and the Category Certificate duly signed (self-attested), should be sent by Speed Post/Courier to the address given below, ensuring it reaches the Institute by 17-Oct-2020, 1700 Hrs. It is reiterated that no other certificates/supporting documentation need be attached at this stage, except the Category Certificate.


The envelope cover containing the hard copy of the application form should be labelled as: “Employment Notification No.: 02/SRD/F/2020 DATED AUGUST 26, 2020”.

Apply to Special Recruitment Drive – IIM Visakhapatnam

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Vacancy Notice Special Recruitment Drive – IIM Visakhapatnam

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