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Staff Nurse Vacancy – BEL,Telangana

Last Date:24 April,2021
Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL)

Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) is Looking to appoint 1 eligible candidates as Staff Nurse in Hyderabad Unit.Interested candidates may apply by sending their applications in given format with all required documents of qualification, experience, age so as to reach the given address by 24-04-2021 .

Employment Notification Staff Nurse Vacancy – BEL,Telangana

Name of the post– Staff Nurse
No of post – 01
Pay Scale – Rs 21500 – 80000

Educational Qualification:
SSLC with 3 Years Diploma in Nursing

Apply to Staff Nurse Vacancy – BEL,Telangana

General Information:

  • Registration in the Employment Exchanges of Telangana is essential. Knowledge of Telugu is preferable.
  • Candidates are advised to carefully read the full advertisement for details of eligibility criteria and selection modalities before submission of application.
  • Only those candidates who meet all the aforementioned eligibility criteria for the post shall be called for Written Test. However, the candidature of the applicant will be provisional and subject to verification of Certificates / Testimonials submitted by him/her.
  • Admit card for provisionally eligible candidates for the Written Test will be sent through E-Mail.
  • Candidates working in Government / Semi government / Public Sector Organization are required to produce “No Objection Certificate” at the time of Document verification. In case the candidate fails to do so, his/her candidature will be disqualified.
  • The number of post indicated above, may vary based on the actual requirement at the time of selection. Applications that are incomplete, not in the prescribed format, without the required enclosures will be summarily rejected without assigning any reason and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained. There will be no separate communication to any candidates on their non- selection at any stage.
  • All eligibility qualification should be recognized and from a recognized Institution/Board/Council/ University. Wherever CGPA/OGPA/DGPA or Letter Grade in a degree/diploma is awarded, its equivalent percentage of marks must be indicated in the application form as per norms adopted by University/ Institute. Proof of norms adopted by the University / Institute to convert CGPA/OGPA/DGPA into percentage is to be submitted at
    the time of verification.
  • Applicants should have sound Health. No relaxation in health standard is allowed.Appointment of selected candidates will be subject to their being found medically fit in the Pre-employment Medical Examination to be conducted as per Norms & Standards of Medical Fitness.
  • SC/ST/PWD Candidates shall be reimbursed second class rail fare/bus fare by shortest route for to and fro travel for the purpose of appearing for Written Test, on production of railway ticket/number/bus ticket for onward journey and self-attested copy of SC/ST/PWD certificate, restricted to distance between the address for communication and the test centre. The candidates have to produce valid SC/ST/ PWD certificate in proof of their
    category for verification.
  • Candidature is liable to be rejected at any stage of recruitment / eligibility / selection process or after joining, if any information provided by the candidate is not found in conformity with the criteria mentioned in the advertisement. The candidature is also liable for rejection at any stage if BEL comes across any evidence/knowledge that the qualification, experience and any other particulars indicated in the application/other forms/formats are not recognized/false/misleading and/or amounts to suppression of information/particulars which should have been brought to the notice of BEL.
  • Mere submission of application does not guarantee the adequacy of candidature for being considered for further selection process.
  • Management reserves the right to cancel/restrict/enlarge/modify/alter the recruitment/selection process, if need so arises, without issuing any further notice or assigning any reason thereafter.
  • Application forms that are incomplete and without the prescribed fee will be rejected straight away and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained.
  • There is no provision of re-checking / re-evaluation of Answer Sheets.
  • The candidature of the candidate at all stages of the selection process shall be provisional in nature.
  • Mobile phones / pagers/ iPad / iPod / Tablets / Phablets / Calculators or any other such electronic device is strictly prohibited inside the examination hall. Candidates are advised not to carry the same to the examination hall. Possession of any electronic device inside the examination hall may lead to disqualification of candidature of the candidate.
  • All information regarding this recruitment will be made available on the website: and no separate communication shall be made for information regarding dates of written test, downloading of admit card, result of written test, medical standards etc.
  • In the event of any applicant has litigated with his/her employer in the past, the same should be clearly mentioned in the application in brief.
  • Not more than one application should be submitted by any candidate. In case of multiple applications, only latest valid (completed) application will be retained and the application fee paid for the other application will stand forfeited.
  • In case any dispute arises on account of interpretation of clauses in any version of this advertisement other than English, the English version available on BEL website shall prevail.
  • Any resulting dispute arising out of this advertisement including the recruitment process shall be subject to the sole jurisdiction of the Courts situated at Hyderabad.
  • E-mail ID and Mobile number to be entered in the application form is mandatory. In case a candidate does not have a valid personal e-mail ID, he/she should create his/her new e-mail ID before filling the application form. Candidates are advised to keep the e-mail ID and Mobile number entered compulsorily in the application form, active for at least one year. No change in the email ID or mobile number will be allowed once submitted. All future correspondence shall be made via e- mail only.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice Staff Nurse Vacancy – BEL,Telangana

  • Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) is an Indian state-owned aerospace and defence company with about nine factories, and several regional offices in India. It is owned by the Indian Government and primarily manufactures advanced electronic products for the Indian Armed Forces. BEL is one of nine PSUs under the Ministry of Defence of India. It has been granted Navratna status by the Government of India.
  • Bharat Electronics Limited was founded in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India in 1954.
  • Starting with the manufacture of a few communication equipment in 1956, BEL started producing receiving valves in 1961, germanium semiconductors in 1962 and radio transmitters for AIR in 1964.
  • In 1966, BEL set up a radar manufacturing facility for the army and in-house R&D. In 1967, BEL began manufacturing transmitting tubes, silicon devices and integrated circuits. The PCB manufacturing facility was established in 1968.
  • In 1970, BEL started making black & white TV picture tubes, X-ray tubes and microwave tubes. In 1971, BEL set up facilities for the manufacture of integrated circuits and hybrid micro circuits. 1972, BEL established manufacturing facilities for TV transmitters for Doordarshan. In 1973, BEL began manufacturing frigate radars for the navy.
  • Under the government’s policy of decentralisation and due to strategic reasons, BEL set up new units at different location across the country. The second unit of BEL was set up at Ghaziabad in 1974 to manufacture radars and Tropo communication equipment for the Indian Air Force. The third unit was established at Pune in 1979 to manufacture image converter and image intensifier tubes.
  • In 1980, the first overseas office of BEL was set up in New York for the procurement of components and materials.
  • In 1981, a manufacturing facility for magnesium manganese dioxide batteries was set up at Pune. The Space Electronic Division was set up at Bangalore to support the satellite programmes in 1982. That year, BEL achieved a turnover of Rs. 1 billion (US$21 million).

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