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Supervisor Opening in Birsa University

Birsa Agricultural University


No. F17-452/2017/ BAU (VC)/ J / / y / Kanke dated 31t0Pfe’20 Advertisement No. BAU (VC) 09/2020 WALK-IN-INTERVIEW Applications are invited from eligible candidates for engagement against for the post of Security Supervisor on contractual basis initially for a period of six months, which may be extended.

Employment Notification Supervisor Opening in Birsa University

SI. No. Name of the post No. of position Age Qualifications .

Security Supervisor – 3 Nos

Apply to Supervisor Opening in Birsa University

a) In service/direct recruitment upper age for University service is 60 years.
b) For retired person on Re-engagement upper age 65 years. 3 (Three) years working experience on Security zone Govt./Semi-govt. or Recognized Institution. Exp. Retired from Defense service in rank Hawaldar will be preferred.

Terms & Conditions for applying to Birsa University

1. Candidates appearing for interview should bring bio-data, two passport size colour photographs, Original documents in support of their qualification, age, work experience along with a set of self-attested photocopies of all the documents.
2. The Walk-in-interview will be held on 21.10.2020 at 11.00 A.M. No separate Interview Letter will be issued.
3. (A) Selected Person if in service will be eligible for deputation allowance on their last pay drawn in addition to their usual pay & allowances as per State Govt. norms. (B) Consolidated fixed remuneration for selected retired persons as per State Govt. norms.
4. The period of appointment is initially for Six months which may be extended as per guidelines of Act and Statute of BAU.
5. No T.A/D.A will be given to the Candidates called for interview. 6. University reserves the right not to fill any position, if the suitable person is not available.
7. Venue of Interview :-Board Room, Headquarter, BAU.
8. No Correspondence shall be entertained from unsuccessful person. 9. The claim of incumbent is not valid in any Court for regular appointment or any other matter.

Vacancy Notice Supervisor Opening in Birsa University

By order of the Vice-Chancellor

Assistant rector Administration (E)

Assam Sarkar

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