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Upper Division Clerk (UDC) Vacancy – IMSC,Chennai (Tamil Nadu)

Last Date:30 April,2021
Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMSC)
Chennai (Tamil Nadu)

Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMSC) released an Official Notification for the posts of 02 Upper Division Clerk (UDC) from Graduate pass candidates interested in sarkari result IMSC UDC Online application can apply before 30 April 2021. Please go through this article and follow each tables for full vacancy details, educational qualification, eligibility criteria, pay scale, salary and How to apply IMSC UDC govt job opening at official website

Employment Notification Upper Division Clerk (UDC) Vacancy – IMSC,Chennai (Tamil Nadu)

Name of the post–Upper Division Clerk (UDC)
No of post – 02
Pay Scale – Level – 4

Educational Qualification:
Graduate with minimum 50% marks from a recognised University and Certified course in computers with 3 years with relevant experience.

Apply to Upper Division Clerk (UDC) Vacancy – IMSC,Chennai (Tamil Nadu)

General Conditions:

  • Applications will have to be submitted ONLINE only.
  • Candidates who have not acquired required educational qualification as on the closing date for receipt of application (i.e. 30.4.2021) need not apply. No further correspondence or clarification can be entertained on this matter.
  • Since both the above posts are backlog vacancies meant for one each in the category of “SC” and “OBC” the candidates belonging to “ST”, “EWS”, “BC” and “UR” are advised not to apply against this advertisement as their candidature will not be considered.
  • Candidates are requested to go through carefully the details of post and instructions.
  • Candidates working in Government / Semi Government / Public Undertakings / Autonomous bodies should apply through proper channel and they should enclose a “No Objection Certificate” from the present employer.
  • Only screened in applicants will be called for Level – 1 written test. Only shortlisted candidates as explained above will be called for Level- 2 written test.
  • Candidates are required to have a valid Email ID and Mobile Number & convey the same in the application. It should be kept active during the currency of this recruitment. IMSc will send intimation / call letters for written examination only through the registered email ID.
  • Any subsequent amendments / modifications etc. on this matter will be notified only in IMSc website under the page “Recruitment of Upper Division Clerk” under Other Positions under Opportunities page which may be referred to by the candidates regularly.
  • At the time of written examination, candidates must bring a printout of the call letter sent to them
    through email printed properly with header.
  • Before applying for the post, candidates should ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility norms. Candidates should have the requisite Educational & other Qualifications from recognised University / Institute as on the date of submission of the application.
  • Period of experience as prescribed in the Advertisement will be determined with reference to the last date for submissioin of application.
  • Mere fulfillment of requirements as laid down in the Advertisement does not entitle a candidate to be called for written examination.
  • SC/OBC Certificate should be issued by the Specified Authority in the prescribed format and the Caste / Community should have been included in the Presidential orders in relation to the concerned state. For claiming the benefit of reservation the SC and OBC candidates are required to submit a latest Caste Certificate in the proforma prescribed by Govenment of India and upload along with their online application. The Certificate submitted for claiming reservation under OBC category should have a mention that the candidate does not belong to the persons / sections (Creamy layer) as mentioned in Col. (3) of Schedule to the Department of Personnel and Training, Government of India OM NO. 36012/22/93-Estt.(SCT) dated 8.9.93 and OM No. 36033/1/2013-Estt.(Res.) dated 13.9.2017. The candidates belonging to OBC category but falling in creamy layer are not entitled to OBC reservation benefits.
  • The candidates belonging to SC category are required to submit caste certificate at the time of appearing for written test (Level – 1 and Level – 2) to claim reimbursement for to and fro second class (General Class) railway fare / bus fare by the shortest route or the actual fare paid whichever is less, subject to production of original tickets, etc.
  • The prescribed qualification are minimum and mere possession of the same does not entitle candidates to be called for Level – 1 written test. The decision of the Director of this Institute in all matters will be final and binding on the candidates and no enquiry or correspondence will be entertained in this matter.
  • The selected candidates will be governed by new re-structured defined contribution Pension Scheme (National Pension Scheme), which has come into force w.e.f. 1.1.2004 vide Ministry of Finance Notification No. 5/7/2003-ECB&PR dated 22.12.2003 and the provisions made there under by
    contributing monthly an amount of 10% of pay and Dearness allowances and 14% contribution from Government.
  • Probation : The persons selected will be appointed on probation as per rules.
  • IMSc reserves the right to accept or reject any application at any stage of the Recruitment process, if the candidate is found ineligible for the post. The decision of Director, IMSc shall be final in deciding the eligibility of the candidate. The mere fact that a call letter has been issued to the candidate and allowed to appear in written examination will not imply that his / her candidature has been finally cleared or that entries made by the candidate in his / her application have been accepted as true and correct.
  • Director, IMSc reserves the right to cancel the whole process of recruitment without assigning any reasons.
  • Evaluation of answer papers of Level – 1 test will be completed and published on the IMSc website by evening of the same day and date. Therefore, the candidates need not wait for the declaration of the result at test venue and they are advised to go through our website on next day.
  • Travelling allowance will not be paid to the candidates who are called for medical examination and appointment etc.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice Upper Division Clerk (UDC) Vacancy – IMSC,Chennai (Tamil Nadu)

  • The Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMSc), founded by Alladi Ramakrishnan in 1962, is an autonomous national institution for fundamental research in the areas of Theoretical Physics, Mathematics, Theoretical Computer Science and Computational Biology. The Institute is governed by a Board and an Academic Council. The present officiating Director of the institute is V. Ravindran.
  • Research at IMSc is supported by the Department of Atomic Energy of the Government of India and by the Government of Tamil Nadu.
  • The Institute has a vibrant academic program, including an active PhD program to which a select group of students are admitted every year. IMSc also supports a large number of scientists at the post-doctoral level and hosts a visiting scientist programme. The Institute organizes several national and international scientific meetings annually. IMSc is also involved in a range of outreach activities for schools, colleges and the general public. The Institute Annual Reports summarize ongoing research and other institute activities.
  • IMSc has a comprehensive scientific library and diverse computing facilities including high performance computing and a high speed network. A centrally air-conditioned office and lecture-hall complex houses academic members of IMSc. A 200 seat auditorium, the Ramanujan auditorium, is used for large scientific meetings while smaller lecture halls, classrooms, media rooms accomodate more modest gatherings. The campus is entirely Wi-Fi enabled.
  • IMSc is located in South Chennai, in the Adyar-Taramani area. Based in the verdant surroundings of the Central Institutes of Technology (CIT) campus, the institute also houses a student hostel, flatlets for long-term visitors, married students and post-doctoral fellows, and the institute guest house. IMSc has its own faculty housing, Lilavati, in Tiruvanmiyur near the seashore. A new housing campus is coming up in the Pallavaram area of Chennai, near the airport.

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