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Visiting Consultant (Pathology) Vacancy – HAL,Karnataka

Last Date:30 January,2021
Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL)

Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) invites applications from candidates who have commitment to work for 1 contractual posts of Visiting Consultant (Pathology).The Hindustan Aeronautics Limited reserves the right to increase, decrease or withdraw any or all of the vacancies.A candidate may send his/her application by 30-01-2021 . The candidate should take a print out of the application form for all future reference.

Employment Notification Visiting Consultant (Pathology) Vacancy – HAL,Karnataka

Name of the post – Visiting Consultant (Pathology)
No of post – 01
Pay Scale – Rs 2000 per visit

Educational Qualification:
PG Degree / Diploma in relevant specialty / discipline and min 5 yrs experience.

Apply to Visiting Consultant (Pathology) Vacancy – HAL,Karnataka

General Conditions:

  • Only Indian Nationals need apply.
  • Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) a Navaratna Status Public Sector Undertaking underMinistry of Defence is a premier Aeronautical Industry of South East Asia with 20 Production / Overhaul Service Divisions and 10 co-located R&D Centres spread across the Country. HAL’s spectrum of expertise encompasses design, development, manufacture, repair, overhaul and upgrade of Aircraft, Helicopters, Aero-engines, Industrial & Marine Gas Turbines, Accessories, Avionics & Systems and Structural Components for Satellites and launch vehicles.
  • The qualifying degree must be recognized by the Medical Council of India (MCI) / State Medical Council (as the case may be)
  • Mere submission of application will not entail right for claiming part time engagement.
  • HAL Management reserves the right to fill-up or not to fill-up any or all the notified posts. HAL also reserves the right to cancel the advertisement and / or the selection process there under.
  • Decision of HAL Management regarding selection will be final. Further, HAL Management reserves the right to fill-up or otherwise any or all the notified posts and also fill-up the future part time engagements, if any from the valid panel of selected candidates as per the rules of the Company.
  • Copies of Mark Sheets, valid registration certificate and relevant certificates (self attested) must be attached along-with application form.
  • HAL is not responsible for any postal / courier delay.
  • Incomplete Application Form or the application not in prescribed format will be rejected and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained.
  • HAL Management reserves right to call or not to call any / all of the candidates, who have responded against this advertisement.
  • Queries, if any may please be clarified by contacting us at or
    Ph. No. 040-23776910.
  • The engagement of Part-Time Visiting Consultant (Pathology) will be purely temporary and will not confer any right to them to claim the status of a regular employee of the Company.
  • The Part-Time Visiting Consultant (Pathology) will not be entitled for any other Allowance or Benefits other than those indicated above and will not confer any right to claim the Benefits / Facilities on par with regular employees of the Company.
  • The Part-Time Visiting Consultant (Pathology) will abide by the Company’s Rules & Regulations governing their engagement.
  • The Part-Time Visiting Consultant (Pathology) will safeguard the security and confidentiality of all official matters and secrecy of information coming to their knowledge.
  • The Part-Time Visiting Consultant (Pathology) will be covered under the Income Tax, Service Tax, Professional Tax etc, as per the applicable rules. All such Taxes would be deducted from the remuneration payable to them.
  • Part-Time Visiting Consultant (Pathology) are required to visit the Company Hospital on suitable days as per the requirements of the Organisation for providing treatment to employees and their dependent family members. In the event of emergency, they will be called as and when required.
  • The part-time engagement is liable to be terminated by giving one month’s notice in writing from either side. Further the part-time engagement will stand automatically terminated on completion of the prescribed tenure.
  • Shortlisted eligible candidates will be called for personal interview. Date, time and venue of the interview will be intimated to the shortlisted / eligible candidates via e-mail. Candidates shortlisted for interview are required to bring the certificates / documents in original in proof of age, educational qualification and experience at the time of interview for verification.

How To Apply:

Vacancy Notice Visiting Consultant (Pathology) Vacancy – HAL,Karnataka

  • Eligible candidates may submit their duly filled-in applications in the prescribed format in A4 size paper along-with the copies of certificates (self attested) with reference to Age, Educational Qualification and Relevant Experience etc., along-with two latest passport size photographs and post to SENIOR MANAGER (HR), Recruitment Cell, HR Department, Avionics Division, Post-HAL, Hyderabad – 500 042 on or before 30.01.2021 by Speed / Ordinary post or Courier.
  • The envelope containing the application should be super-scribed with Advertisement No. HAL-HYD/2021/1 and Name of the Post applied for.
  • Applications received after 30.01.2021 will not be accepted.

About Us:

  • Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) is an Indian state-owned aerospace and defence company headquartered in Bangalore (Bengaluru), India. It is governed under the management of the Indian Ministry of Defence.
  • The government-owned corporation is primarily involved in the operations of the aerospace and is currently involved in the design, fabrication and assembly of aircraft, jet engines, helicopters and their spare parts. It has several facilities spread across India including Bangalore, Nasik, Korwa, Kanpur, Koraput, Lucknow, Hyderabad, Barrackpore and Kasaragod. The HAL HF-24 Marut fighter-bomber was the first fighter aircraft made in India.
  • HAL was established as Hindustan Aircraft Limited in Bangalore on 23 December 1940 by Walchand Hirachand who became Chairman of the company. The company’s office was opened at a bungalow called “Eventide” on Domlur Road.
  • The organisation and equipment for the factory at Bangalore was set up by William D. Pawley of the Intercontinental Aircraft Corporation of New York. Pawley obtained a large number of machine-tools and equipment from the United States.
  • The Indian Government bought a one-third stake in the company and by April 1941 by investing ₹25 lakh as it believed this to be a strategic imperative. The decision by the government was primarily motivated to boost British military hardware supplies in Asia to counter the increasing threat posed by Imperial Japan during Second World War. The Kingdom of Mysore supplied two directors, Air Marshal John Higgins was resident director. The first aircraft built was a Harlow PC-5[5] On 2 April 1942, the government announced that the company had been nationalised when it had bought out the stakes of Seth Walchand Hirachand and other promoters so that it could act freely. The Mysore Kingdom refused to sell its stake in the company but yielded the management control over to the Indian Government.
  • The total number of broad- gauge coaches manufactured by the Hindustan Aircraft Limited during the year 1954 is 158.
  • After India gained independence in 1947, the management of the company was passed over to the Government of India.

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