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Head Constable Recruitment in Delhi Police

Delhi Sarkari Naukri

Head Constable {Assistant Wireless Operator (AWO)/Tele-Printer Operator (TPO)} in Delhi Police Examination, 2022

Dates for submission of online applications08.07.2022 to 29.07.2022
Last date and time for receipt of online applications29.07.2022 (2300 hours)
Last date and time for generation of offline Challan29.07.2022 (2300 hours)
Last date and time for making online fee payment30.07.2022 (2300 hours)
Last date   for   payment   through   Challan   (during working hours of Bank)30.07.2022
Date of ‘Window for Application Form Correction’ and online payment of Correction Charges.02.08.2022 (2300 hours)
Schedule of Computer Based ExaminationOctober, 2022


Employment Notification Head Constable Recruitment in Delhi Police

SSC Delhi PoliceF. No. 3/2/2022–P&P-II The Staff Selection Commission will conduct an open competitive examination for recruitment of Head Constable {Assistant Wireless Operator (AWO)/Tele-Printer Operator (TPO)} in Delhi Police as per the Memorandum of Understanding signed between Delhi Police and the Staff Selection Commission.

Candidates from all parts of the country will be eligible to apply. The salient features of the recruitment are as under:

Apply to Head Constable Recruitment in Delhi Police

      1.1             The Notice of the Examination will be notified by SSC on its website i.e. after vetting by Delhi Police. A notice/link in this regard will also be provided on the website of Delhi Police i.e.

Vacancy Notice Head Constable Recruitment in Delhi Police

1.2 Vacancies, vertical & horizontal, for recruitment of Head Constable {Assistant Wireless Operator (AWO)/Tele-Printer Operator (TPO)} in Delhi Police are reported by the Delhi Police to the Staff Selection Commission.

1.3       Applications will be accepted through on-line mode only by the Staff Selection Commission.

1.4 The Staff Selection Commission will conduct the examination in ‘Computer Based Examination’ (CBE) Mode on Pan India basis depending on the number of applications from different states and UTs. The Computer Based Examination would be conducted in English and Hindi only.

1.5 Admission certificates for Computer Based Examination will be uploaded on the websites of the concerned Regional Offices of the Staff Selection Commission and a ‘Notice’ about information regarding Admit card/Admission Certificate will be provided on the website of Delhi Police.

1.6 The result of the Computer Based Examination will be declared by the Staff Selection Commission.

1.7 The candidates who come within the range of merit of Computer Based Examination equal to twenty (20) times the number of vacancies in each category will be shortlisted for appearing in the Physical Endurance and Measurement Test (PE&MT).

1.8 PE&MT will be conducted by Delhi Police at Delhi only. Delhi Police will provide schedule and centres for PE&MT to SSC. Thereafter, SSC will provide a link for download of Admit Cards/Admission Certificates of all shortlisted candidates for appearing in PE&MT. The Notice regarding download of the Admit card by the candidates will be provided to Delhi Police on its website.

1.9 After conduct of PE&MT, Delhi Police will update the result of each candidate on the ‘Web-tool’ provided by the SSC for conducting of other required Skill/Trade Test by Delhi Police.

1.10 Skill Tests/Trade Tests for all the posts will be conducted by Delhi Police. Depending on the feasibility, the result of Skill Test/Trade Test will either be uploaded on the web-tool or provided to SSC in electronic form by Delhi Police.

1.11 Collection of Documents from the candidates, their verification and Detailed Medical Examination (DME) will be carried out by Delhi Police.

1.12 The final list of provisionally selected candidates from the list of candidates declared qualified in PE&MT and Skill/Trade tests required will be prepared & announced by the Staff Selection Commission strictly on the basis of merit of tests/examinations prescribed for the post and uploaded on its official website. A

“reserve panel/additional list” of 15% candidates (category-wise) will also be prepared by the SSC in addition to the number of candidates selected as per the notified vacancies according to their merit, category-wise and the same will be provided to Delhi Police in a sealed cover, not to be uploaded. The “Reserve Panel” will be valid for a period of two years or till the next recruitment is advertised, whichever is earlier.

1.13 RTI/Public Grievances relating to Notice of Examination (excluding policy issues related to Physical Standards, Medical Standards, Age, Reservation etc. pertaining to Recruitment Rules), on-line applications, conduct of Computer Based Examination and preparation of Merit List would be handled by the Staff Selection Commission whereas other RTI/Public Grievances relating to Recruitment Rules, Standing Orders and any Test/Exam (e.g. PE&MT, Medical Exam, Skill Tests/Trade Tests etc.) conducted by Delhi Police would be handled by Delhi Police.

1.14 Court cases relating to Notice of Examination, conduct of Computer Based Examination, short-listing of candidates for appearing in PE&MT or any test conducted by the SSC and preparation of final result of provisionally selected candidates, filed by the candidates at Delhi would be handled by Delhi Police. Such court cases in other regions/out of Delhi on the matter will be handled by the SSC.

1.15 Court cases/RTI/Public Grievances relating to all other issues like Scheme of Examination, vacancies, conduct of Physical Endurance & Measurement Test (PE&MT),  collection of Documents from the candidates and their verification, or any test conducted by Delhi Police, Detailed Medical Examination (DME), Review Medical Examination (RME) will be dealt with by the Delhi Police.

1.16 Any representation regarding change (inclusion/exclusion) in the Merit/Selection list/Reserve List due to wrong verified data or change in PE&MT/Medical Fitness Status will be dealt with by Delhi Police.

1.17 In case of any change in result due to wrong inclusion/exclusion of any candidate in/from the Merit/Selection List/Reserve List, the revised result will be issued by the SSC.

1.18 The process of cancellation of candidature of candidates found indulging in any malpractice or impersonation etc. during the conduct of Computer Based Examination will be handled by the SSC.

1.19 The cases of candidates found indulging in any malpractice or impersonation etc. during the conduct of PE&MT or Typing Test on Computer and Computer (Formatting) Test conducted by Delhi Police will be handled by the Delhi Police.

click above to download
the vacancy notification

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