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40 Senior Resident Jobs Opening in Lady Hardinge Medical College

Employment in Lady Hardinge Medical College

Government of India
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Directorate General of Health Services
Lady Hardinge Medical College & Associated Hospital, New Delhi-110001

Recruitment Notice for Senior Residents (Tenure/Regular Basis)
A walk-in assessment will be conducted for the recruitment of Senior Residents on tenure or regular basis in various specialties as detailed below:

Employment Notification 40 Senior Resident Jobs Opening in Lady Hardinge Medical College

Date of AssessmentDepartmentVacanciesDate of Registration & Written Exam
4-09-2023 (10:00 a.m.)Anaesthesia54-09-2023 (10:00 a.m.)
Orthopaedics34-09-2023 (10:00 a.m.)
Pathology64-09-2023 (10:00 a.m.)
Radiotherapy24-09-2023 (10:00 a.m.)
Medicine244-09-2023 (10:00 a.m.)

Category-wise distribution of vacancies:


Important Information:

    • The number of vacancies mentioned is provisional and subject to change during the assessment/selection process.
    • UR candidates can apply under the EWS category if eligible EWS candidates are not found.
    • 18 posts are reserved for Economically Weaker Sections (EWS).

Apply to 40 Senior Resident Jobs Opening in Lady Hardinge Medical College

Terms & Conditions:

    • Applicants must have PG Degree/Diploma/DNB in the relevant specialty.
    • Selection is based on merit marks from a screening examination and assessment.

Other terms &Conditions:

  • Eligible candidates will present themselves for registration at 10.00 ant to 11.00 am in thc
    Office of concerned ead of l)cna rtmcnt on the day specitied for screening lest of the
    particular specialty along with all relevant documents in original together with self attested
    copies of all documents in support of their candidature fbr the post. two passport size recent
    photographs and complete Bio Data duly filled and a photo ID. Separate applications along
    fee are required to be submirted for each specialty. No application of candidate will be
    received after 11:00 A,M.
  • An MCQ based screening test of one hour having weightage of 607. will be held on the
    date of registration at 02:00 P.Nt in the Examination Hall. New Academic Block.
    Candidates three times the vacancies (or less ifnot available) in order of rrerit will be calle4
    for assessment on the specified date. The candidates have to report at 9.30 am in the
    Office of conccrned Head of I)eDartment on the date ol’assessmenl
    A merit list will be prepared on lhe basis of cornbined marks of screening test and
  • Crucial date of determination of eligibility with reference to age, educational
    qualification and experience etc. will be the date of registration of the candidates.
    candidates must be registered wirh Delhi Medical Council/Dental council of India.
  • DMC/DCI certificate lbr both MBBS and PG is mandatory with application. Horvever. the
    candidates, who have applied for registration with DMC/DCI and have enclosed receipr ol’
    DMC/DDC. will be allowed to appear in written examination provisionally and they rvill be
    allowed to join. if selecled. after production of certificate of registration wirh DMC/DDC.
    The tenure of Senior Resident is for three years including any service rendered as Senior
    Resident earlier on ad-hoc/regular basis in any Institution. Under no circumstances. the
    total period of Senior Residency shall exceed three years; at the time of joining in
    LHMC. Initially the appointment letter will be issued for one year only
  • Further extension will be granted on the basis of satisfactory pertbrmance report from

Vacancy Notice 40 Senior Resident Jobs Opening in Lady Hardinge Medical College

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this vacancy notification

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