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Sr. Resident/Tutor Posts Walkin at IGIMS, Patna

Doctor Jobs

A Walk-in-interview of eligible Indian citizen, for appointment as doctor jobs in following departments of this Institute have been fixed on 02-02-2022 to 03-02-2022 respectively in the office chamber of the Director, IGIMS, Patna-14 as mentioned below (Interested candidate must report: Up-to: 10-30 AM – Candidate reportinq after 11-00 AM mav not be allowed to appear).

Document verification will be done on one day before of interview from 11.00 am in the Conference Room of Dean (Academic) as noted under:-

Employment Notification Sr. Resident/Tutor Posts Walkin at IGIMS, Patna


  • Anatomy
  • Anaesthesiology
  • Chest & TB
  • ENT
  • Obs. & Gynecology
  • Ophthalmology
  • Pharmacology
  • Paediatrics
  • Physical Med. & Rehabilitation
  • Radiodiagnosis & V.D.
  • Nuclear Medicine
  • SCI — (Radiation Oncology-02, Medical Oncology-01, Surgical Oncology-Ol & Gynaecological Oncolo – Virology
  • General Medicine
  • Cardiology
  • Gastroenterology
  • Nephrology
  • Neuro Medicine
  • General Surgery
  • General Surgery(Emergency)
  • Paediatrics Surgery
  • G.l. Surgery
  • Urology


  1. Application form can be downloaded from our website www.igims. org. The cost of application form:- Rs.1000/- (Rupees one Thousand) and 2501- (Rupees Two Hundred & Fifty) for SCIST/EBC candidate (Non-Refundable) payable to The Director IGIMS at Patna, in the form of Demand Draft. Those who downloads the application form, from Institute website, shall have to submit a demand draft of Rs.1000/- or Rs.250/- (As Applicable) in favour of Director, IGIMS, payable at Patna.
  2. Candidates employed in Government/Semi Government Department or any other employer must submit their application along-with “No Objection Certificate” issued by the employer, at the time of interview, otherwise, they will not be considered for interview. In case of not in employment, candidate must submit in writing that they are neither employed in any organization nor doing any course anywhere.
  3. SCIST candidate must attach their Caste Certificate issued by Circle Officer of respective District/Circle of Bihar alongwith application form. EBC/BC candidate must attach their Caste Certificate along-with Certificate of exemption from Creamy Layer in form —X duly issued by the Circle Officer of respective District/Circle of Bihar along-with application form. EWS candidate must attach their EWS Certificate issued by Circle Officer of respective District/Circle of Bihar along-with application form if claimed for reservation.
  4. Reservation point and relaxation in upper age limit will be applicable as per rule of Govt. of Bihar. Benefit of reservation will be iven to Bihar State domicile onl and thea licant out-side The State of Bihar will not be entitled for the benefit of reservation. It is requested to brinq domicile certificate where applicable. Handicapped person/candidate will be qiven the benefit of reservation as per rule of Govt. of Bihar. Person workinq in Govt. Institution shall be qiven relaxation as per rule. Number of vacancy, in each department may increase or decrease.
  5. In addition to Pay + NPA, other allowances will be admissible as per rule.
  6. The post are non-practicing & Private Practice of any kind, direct or in-direct including laboratory, is strictly prohibited and if found indulging in such private-practice, appointment of candidate shall be terminated.
  7. Selected candidate/s have to submit a LEGAL BOND that they will deposit amount equivalent to the amount paid to them at the rate of one month’s emoluments for every year of Sr. Residency proqramme not completed,
  8. Stay in campus is compulsory, if accommodation is provided. If not provided, HRA’s admissible as per rule.
  9. Separate application with separate fee duly. completed in all respect for each department/post should be submitted.
  10. The Selection Committee’s anel will be valid for 06 Six months onl
  11. The Director of the Institute reserves the right to reject]accept any or all the applications without assigning any reason and cancel the advertisement.
  12. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.
  13. No TA/DA is admissible for attending the interview & joining the post if selected.
  14. A declaration that whether they have filled-up Declaration form and appeared before the N.M.C. Team for the year 202122, for any Medical College or not, should be submitted with the application.

Mere selection by the Selection Committee does not qive riqht of appointment to the candidate. The Institute reserves the ri ht of a ointment of the candidate/s recommended by the Selection Committee.

S.No.ViewsOpportunities DescriptionAttachment’sWalkin Date
1747Advt. No.: 02 / Sr. Resident – Tutor / IGIMS / Estt. / 2022 : Walk – In – Interview for Sr. Resident / Tutor Posts 
A Walk-in-Interview of eligible Indian citizen, for appointment as Sr. Resident / Tutor Posts in various departments of this Institute have been fixed on 02.02.2022 to 03.02.2022 respectively in the office chamber of the Director, IGIMS, Patna. Document verification will be done on one day before of interview from 11 AM in trhe Conference Hall of Dean (Academic), 2nd Floor, New Administrative Block. 1334_F1_Advt 02 SR.pdf03-Feb-22
Format of Application. 1334_F3_02 FormSR22.pdf
 1334_F4_02 Format 2022.doc

Apply to Sr. Resident/Tutor Posts Walkin at IGIMS, Patna

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