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2422 Act Apprentices Jobs in Central Railway


central-railwayCENTRAL RAILWAY Notification No.

Engagement of Apprentices under the Apprentices Act 1961, over Central Railway Notification.

Employment Notification 2422 Act Apprentices Jobs in Central Railway

ONLINE applications are invited from interested candidates for engagement of Act Apprentices for imparting training under the Apprentices Act 1961 in the designated trades at Workshops/Units in the jurisdiction of Central Railway against 2422 slots. Applications complete in all respects should be submitted only ONLINE till 17:00 hrs. of the closing date.

The candidate must have passed 10th class examination or its equivalent (under 10+2 examination system) with minimum 50% marks, in aggregate, from recognized Board and also possess National Trade Certificate in the notified trade issued by the National Council for Vocational Training or Provisional Certificate issued by National Council for Vocational Training / State Council for Vocational Training.

Apply to 2422 Act Apprentices Jobs in Central Railway

The ONLINE application, complete in all respect, can be submitted through ONLINE process to RRC up to 15/01/2023 till 17.00 hrs. No physical copy of the application is required to be sent to RRC. Even if it is received, no cognizance will be given to it.


Vacancy Notice 2422 Act Apprentices Jobs in Central Railway

  • The decision of the Railway administration in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of the applications and mode of selection shall be final.
  • Imparting Training in Railway will not confer any right to the candidates for their absorption in Railway after successful completion of training. In terms of para-10 of Schedule V of the Apprenticeship Rules,1991, notified on 15.07.92 by the Ministry of Labour, it shall not be obligatory on the part of the employer to offer any employment to the Apprentice on completion of period of his/her apprenticeship training in his / her establishment. It shall not be obligatory on the part of the apprentice to accept an employment under the employer. Imparting Training in Railway will not confer any right to the candidates for their absorption in Railway after completion of Training.
  • No correspondences for engagement will be entertained.
  • Candidates should note and take cognizance of the fact that this is a Centralized Notification for engagement of Act Apprentices under the Apprentices Act 1961 for Central Railway Units and Railway Recruitment Cell, Central Railway (RRC/CR) has been nominated as nodal agency for obtaining ONLINE applications from candidates and preparation of their merit list. Candidates can submit their applications ONLINE only on RRC’s website
  • After preparation of merit list, the same will be advised to respective Divisions/Units on Central Railway. Document verification will be held in opted Divisions/Units, as per the Cluster as mentioned in the Candidate’s applications.
  • Candidates must note that no centralized merit list will be formed.
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