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Graduate & Technician Apprentice opening in HAL

opening in HAL

halHindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) has released a notification for the recruitment of Graduate & Technician Apprentice positions. The organization is inviting eligible candidates with a B.Tech qualification to apply online for 150 vacancies located in HAL, Hyderabad, Telangana.

Interested candidates can submit their job applications for HAL Recruitment 2023 before 25 May 2023 through the official website. The important dates for the recruitment process are as follows:

Employment Notification Graduate & Technician Apprentice opening in HAL

Starting Date to Apply Online: 04 May 2023
Closing Date to Apply Online: 25 May 2023

Candidates who belong to the Engineering stream with a relevant qualification can apply for this recruitment. The qualification requirements for the Graduate & Technician Apprentice Trainee positions are as follows:

Apply to Graduate & Technician Apprentice opening in HAL

Technician Apprentice Trainee: Diploma in a relevant Engineering stream
Graduate Apprentice Trainee: B.Tech/ B.E in a relevant Engineering stream

The distribution of the 150 vacancies among different positions is as follows:

Vacancy Notice Graduate & Technician Apprentice opening in HAL

Engineering Graduate Apprentice: 74
Technician (Diploma Apprentice): 52
Graduate Apprentices in General Stream: 24

The pay scale for the Graduate & Technician Apprentice positions under HAL Recruitment 2023 is as follows:

  • Graduate Apprentice: ₹9000
  • Technician Apprentice: ₹8000

To apply for the HAL Recruitment 2023, interested candidates must first read the detailed notification attached below before filling the application form. After ensuring their eligibility for the Graduate & Technician Apprentice position, candidates can apply online from 04 May 2023 to 25 May 2023.

lmportant lnstructions:

1. Selection is based on only marks secured in Diploma/Engineering Degree/Graduation in general strearx. No interview and written Test.

2. Before applying through walk-in, the candidates should satisfy themselves regarding eligibility criteria. The candidates should also ensure that the particulars furnished by him/her in the application are corred in all respect. ln case any discrepancy is detected during the engagement process/ apprenticeship training period or if found, he/she has furnished any incorrectffalse information or has suppressed any material facts, his/her candidature will be cancelledlterminated at any stage.

3. Candidates who have passed the qualifuing examination and possessing Original/Provisional certificate are only eligible.

4. Merit list of the selected candidates shall be hosted on “” after two weeks of receiving the application form through walk-in and also an email shall be forwarded to shortlisted candidates.

5. The selected candidates should be in a position to join the establishment sn the prescribed date of joining. lf the candidate does not report latest by scheduled date, it is assumed that he/she is not interested in the apprenticeship and his/her candidature will be forfeited.

6. Candidates those who have undergone Apprenticeship Training or who are undergoing similar apprenticeship trainingl ar registered for Apprentice training in the respective discipline under the Apprentice Act elsewhere are not eligible.

7. OBC candidates should produce Vatrid Non-€reamy Layer certificate.

8. Canvassing in any form will be treated asdisqualification.

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