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Manager Jobs – CRIS – Railway Recruitment

Railway Recruitment

Post: Manager (HRMS)
No. of vacancies: 1 (One)
Location: New Delhi.
Duration and Term of Deputation: hree years on usual terms & conditions of deputation

Scale of Pay: Level l1 / 12 (as per 7’CPC Pay Matrix)

Employment Notification Manager Jobs – CRIS – Railway Recruitment

Pay and Allowances: The officer will draw pay which would have been admissible to him/her from time to time on the Railwavs plus deputation (duty) allowance.

Eligibility, Experience and Specific Requirements, ifany.

Apply to Manager Jobs – CRIS – Railway Recruitment

  • Railway Officer of Personnel Department working in Level I l/12 as per 7th CPC with relevant experience of working in Personnel/Establishment area are eligible to apply.
  • The officer should be conversant with functioning in computerized environment.


  • Officer working in level 11 with two years service in relevant grades shall be considered for Level- 12.
  • Officer working in Levei-I2 will be considered for pay plus deputation (duty) allowance.

Retention of Railway: accommodation during deputation tenure in CRIS: Yes. Retention of Railway accommodation is permissible as per Board’s guidelines issued from time to time.

Vacancy Notice Manager Jobs – CRIS – Railway Recruitment

Perks and Benefils o Leasing of Private accommodation is admissible on the rates admissible to Railway officers- Officers joining CRIS on deputation basis, may opt for CRIS medical facility for self and dependent family members. For availing CRIS medical facility, Railway officer joining CRIS has to surrender Railway medical card in Railway.

. Transportation as per Central Govt. Rules.
Other benefits as per the exlant policy in vogue.

Closing Date 30 days from date of issue. – 27.06.2022

Notes: l. Applicants are requested to submit simultaneously a copy of the application to their administrative officer (HQ,tsoard etc.) for forwarding the application to CRIS indicating No Objection, Vigilance/D&AR clearance etc. 2. Eligible suitable applicants will be shortlisted on the basis of eligibility and experience, if required, as per Vacancy Notice. 3. Selection criteria will be as mentioned in Ministry of Railway, Railway Board’s letter No.20l7lE(O)IU41l5dated25.05.2017 andNo.20l8/E(O)ll/4ill daied07.03.2018. Eligible and interested officers may apply in the prescribed application format, Annexure-l attached. in online mode and may send their application through email @ shekhar.chanderfdgilelgijl and adh

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