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Senior / Deputy Engineer recruitment BEL India

BEL Recruitment 2022

PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT & INNOVATION CENTRE (PDIC) Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) a Navaratna Company and India’s premier Professional Electronics Company with a portfolio of over 350 different products in the areas of Military Communication, Radars, Naval Systems, C4I Systems, Weapon Systems, Homeland Security, Telecom and Broadcast, Electronic Warfare, Tank Electronics and Electro Optics. Engineering Solutions & Crypto Solutions are one of the focus areas in BEL for the development of products & sub-systems for its various programs. Towards this, BEL invites applications from experienced & outstanding professionals for its “Product Development & Innovation Centre” (PDIC) at Bengaluru.

Post – Senior Engineer/ E-III

Employment Notification Senior / Deputy Engineer recruitment BEL India

Education – M.E/ M.Tech (Mechatronics)

Post – Deputy Engineer/ E-II

Apply to Senior / Deputy Engineer recruitment BEL India

Education – M.Tech (Computer Science/ Information Science/ Cyber Security) With Prior Degree of M.Sc (Mathematics)


a. Senior Engineer: Pay scale Rs. 50,000-3%-1,60,000, in addition to Basic Pay, other allowances like Dearness Allowance, House Rent Allowance, 35% of the Basic Pay as perquisites, Performance Related Pay (PRP), Group Insurance, Medical facilities and Provident Fund as per the Company’s rules will be part of the remuneration package.

Vacancy Notice Senior / Deputy Engineer recruitment BEL India

b. Deputy Engineer: Pay scale Rs. 40,000-3%-1,40,000, in addition to Basic Pay, other allowances like Dearness Allowance, House Rent Allowance, 35% of the Basic Pay as perquisites, Performance Related Pay (PRP), Group Insurance, Medical facilities and Provident Fund as per the Company’s rules will be part of the remuneration package.


a. Candidates have to carefully enter the details in the application and attach the documents as prescribed. In case, the details mentioned do not tally with supporting documents, the candidates application will be rejected without any prior intimation.

b. Candidates meeting the eligibility criteria as stipulated in the advertisement will be called for Written Test (85 marks) for shortlisted candidates based on screening of the application and the documents submitted by the applicant.

c. Based on the Written Test score, candidates will be shortlisted for interview in the order of merit in the ratio 1:5 category wise.

d. The list of candidates shortlisted for the Written Test / Interview, will be posted on the BEL Website. Candidates are required to comply with the instructions indicated in the call letter.


Selection will be through a Written Test for shortlisted candidates, followed by an Interview, only for those candidates who qualify in the Written Test. The venue for the Written Test / Interview will be at Bengaluru.


a) Internal candidates of BEL are not eligible to apply.

b) The Cut-off date for deciding the maximum permissible age and experience (Post-Qualification Experience) shall be 01.05.2022. In order to compute post-qualification work experience, the period of work experience starting from the month immediately succeeding the month of final examination in which candidate acquire the essential educational qualification shall be considered.

c) Candidates working in PSUs/ Government/ Quasi Government organizations should compulsory produce “No Objection Certificate” at the time of the interview. Such candidates, who are unable to produce NOC at the time of interview, will not be considered for interview.

d) Candidates are required to travel extensively anywhere in India.

e) Outstation Candidates called for interview shall be reimbursed Second (II) Class to and fro train fare by the shortest route (from their correspondence address) on production of receipt or other supporting documentary evidence in respect of the onward journey.

f) Request for change of category once declared in the application will not be entertained.

g) The exact date and time shall be communicated in the Admit Card for Written Test. Candidates are required to possess at least one valid e-mail id which is to be entered in the application form. Information pertaining to the Written Test/ Interview will be sent by e-mail to the id that is furnished and also will be published in the BEL Website. BEL will not be responsible for bouncing of any e-mail sent to the candidate.

h) In the event any applicant has litigated with his/her employer in the past, the same should be clearly mentioned in brief.

i) The Disability Certificate should be strictly in the format available on the BEL website. j) The number of posts indicated above may vary based on the actual requirement at the time of selection.

k) Canvassing in any form will result in disqualification.

l) Only Indian nationals need to apply.

m) Merely fulfilling the minimum requirement of qualification and experience will not vest any right on the candidates to be called for the Interview/Written Test. BEL reserves the right to debar / disqualify any candidate at any stage of the selection process for any reason what so ever and also reserves the right to cancel / restrict / enlarge / modify or alter the recruitment or selection process, if need so arise without issuing any further notice or assigning any reason thereafter.

n) Interested candidates meeting all the criteria mentioned aloft, should submit the application in the format appended to this advertisement and send the applications through post, super-scribing on the envelope the post applied for. The following documents should compulsorily be enclosed:

i.Self-attested copy of 10th Std/ SSLC Certificate (proof of DoB/ Age).

ii.Self-attested copy of PUC/ 12th Class/ Diploma Marks Card.

iii.Self-attested copies of Degree Marks cards for having passed all semesters/ years

iv.Self-attested copies of Provisional/ Final Degree Certificate.

v.Post qualification experience certificate(s) from previous to current employer in respect of Senior Engineer (E-III) post. The joining/appointment letter and relieving letter (wherever applicable) needs to be attached to determine the number of years of post-qualification experience. Where current employment certificate is not produced the joining/ appointment letter, first and latest pay slip and employee ID proof should be compulsorily attached to determine the number of years of experience. In case, candidate fail to enclose the supporting documents application will be summarily rejected without assigning any reason and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained.

vi.Category/ Disability certificate in case of candidates belonging to SC/ PwBD respectively. Candidates claiming reservation under any of the above categories are required to submit the certificate in the prescribed format. vii.Candidates, if working in PSUs/ Govt. organizations/ Quasi Government Organisations should compulsorily submit ‘No Objection Certificate’ at the time of application or interview.

viii.SBI Fee Payment Receipt (if applicable).

ix.Write up of the roles and responsibilities/ experience.

o) Failure to forward the indicated enclosures will result in disqualification, even if the candidates have remitted the application fee.

p) Any revision, clarification, addendum, corrigendum, time extension etc. to the above advertisement will be hosted on the careers section of BEL website and no separate notification will be issued in the press. Candidates are advised to visit the website regularly to keep themselves updated.

Last Date – June 14, 2022

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Click here to download the application form

Link for online payment of application fee

Instructions for making payment through SBI Collect

Prescribed format for SC Certificate

Prescribed format for Persons with Benchmark Disability Certificate (PwBD)

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