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Trade Apprentice Recruitment in NEEPCO

Public Sector Jobs

Advt.No. – NEEPCO- 02/ 2021-22 Dt 27-01-2022
North Eastern Electric Power Corporation Limited is a Schedule –‘A’ “Mini Ratna” Category-I Central Public Sector Enterprise under the Ministry of Power, Government of India. The Corporation is engaged in planning, designing & executing power projects of hydro, thermal & Solar and entering into Wind energy Projects. The Corporation propose to engage 56 (Fifty six)) apprentices for FY 2021-22 under the Apprenticeship Act 1961 for a period of two (2) years apprenticeship training in the following trades for its different Plants/Projects/ Establishments:

Category of apprentices: Trade Apprentice

Employment Notification Trade Apprentice Recruitment in NEEPCO

Minimum Educational Qualification: Class 10th Pass & ITI Trade Certificate Course from a recognized Institute approved by the State Government / Central Government on or before the specified deadline.

Place of training

  1. Assam Gas Based Power Station (AGBPS), Bokuloni, District Dibrugarh, Assam- 786191
  2. Agartala Gas Based Power Station (AgGBPS), Ramchandra Nagar, Tripura (West)- 799008
  3. Doyang Hydro Power Station (DHPS), Wokha, Nagaland- 786621
  4. Kameng Hydro Power Station (KaHPS), West Kameng District, Arunachal Pradesh-790114
  5. Kopili Hydro Power Station (KHPS), Umrongso, Dima Hasao, Assam- 788931
  6. NEEPCO Corporate Office, Brookland Compound, Lower New Colony, Shillong, Meghalaya -793003
  7. Tripura Gas Based Power Station (TGBPS), Monarchak, Sonamura, PO Dhanpur, Tripura West- 799181

Eligibility Criteria for Application:

    • The candidate should be a resident of North East India.
    • The candidate should have completed ITI course.
    • The candidate must have Aadhaar Card/ Driving License/ Pan Card/ Voter ID Card/ Passport which is required for online registration.
    • Age limit: Maximum age 28 years as on 01-01-2022, but not less than 18 years. Age relaxation is allowed for Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe/ Other Backward Classes/ Persons with Disability/ Ex-servicemen, as per applicable Govt. of India rules.
    • Reservation for Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe/ Other Backward Classes (NCL)/ Persons with Disability/ Economically Weaker Section, will be as per existing Govt. of India rules.

Selection process:

    • Selection shall be based on merit as per mark secured in ITI course as mentioned against each  Apprentice posts.
    • First preference shall be given to candidates belonging to the State in which the Establishment/ Power
    • Plant (s) is/ are located. After allocation of seats to candidates belonging to the state, if no sufficient candidates are found; selection for rest nos. of seats shall be based on the merit as per marks secured in the ITI course by the candidates belonging to other NE states of domicile.
    • List of selected candidates will be made available at The call letters will be sent through their registered email only.

PDF icon Advertisement for two (2) years Apprenticeship Training for ITI passed Trade Apprentice (s) (867.24 kb)

Apply to Trade Apprentice Recruitment in NEEPCO

PDF icon Apprenticeship application form for ITI passed Trade Apprentice (s) (662.44 kb)

Date of closing for online registration : 17th Feb. 2022
Date of closing of receipt of applications & Documents via email : 24th Feb. 2022

Vacancy Notice Trade Apprentice Recruitment in NEEPCO

NEEPCO provides equal employment opportunities, without any discrimination on the grounds of disability, caste, tribe, race, region, religion, marital status, beliefs, colour or sex. The Company strives to maintain a work environment that is free from any harassment/ discrimination as per the “Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016” and its relevant rules.


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