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Walkin Interview at MECON Engineering

Recruitment at MECON

Ref. Adv.No:

MeconWALK –IN INTERVIEW FOR ENGAGEMENT OF JR. EXECUTIVE (FINANCE) ON FULL TIME FIXED TENURE (FTFT) BASIS MECON, A Premier Miniratna, Schedule “A”, Govt. of India Enterprise under Ministry of Steel, providing Engineering, Consultancy, Contracting and Project Management Services invites application from committed, result oriented, suitably qualified and experienced individuals for the following position purely on full time fixed tenure contract basis. The details of post and eligibility criteria are indicated below. All eligible and interested candidates may appear for “Walk – in Interview” on the date, time and place notified.

Employment Notification Walkin Interview at MECON Engineering

Name of the Post: Junior Executive (Finance)

Number of Post: 08 nos.

Apply to Walkin Interview at MECON Engineering

Minimum Educational Qualification: CMA or CA


Vacancy Notice Walkin Interview at MECON Engineering

₹35,000/- Per Month (Consolidated) –(If posted at Design office) ₹38,000/- Per Month (Consolidated –(If posted at Site office)


Candidates belonging to General (UR) / OBC (Creamy Layer & Non-Creamy Layer) / EWS category are required to pay a Non-Refundable fee of Rs.500/- (Rupees Five Hundred only). SC / ST / PWD / Ex-servicemen category are exempted from the payment of application fee. Application fee is to be paid online through payment gateway provided by MECON by clicking on the link “Proceed for online payment” provided in the online application form. There will be no other mode of payment of application fee. Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances after admitting the candidature for interview. Candidates are therefore advised to verify their eligibility before appearing for walk – In Interview. Applications without fee / less fee shall be rejected.


The mode of selection shall be Walk – In Interview. Before applying the candidates should ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility criteria. Candidature will be subject to verification of details / documents when the candidate reports for interview. The final list of selected candidates will be uploaded on MECON’s website and they will also be intimated about Documents Verification & Medical Examination through MECON website and their registered E-mail Id only. The candidates selected shall be required to join MECON within 20 days from the date of offer of appointment. No request for extension of joining time shall ordinarily be entertained. The decision of MECON shall be final in this regard.


Only registered candidates shall be allowed to appear for the walk-in interview subject to meeting the eligibility criteria. Candidates should come for Walk-in-Interview along with Original certificates (age proof, qualification, experience, caste etc.) and one set of attested copy of the same. Document verification and scrutiny of applications of the candidates reported for interview shall be done before the candidate is allowed for interview. The candidates meeting the eligibility criteria only shall be allowed to appear for interview. If required, the interview of eligible candidates may be done through online video mode. TRAVELLING ALLOWANCE: No travelling allowance shall be paid for appearing in interview.


I. Candidates satisfying the conditions of eligibility criteria shall apply online through our website → Careers → Career Opportunities → Click here to apply Online from 28.09.2020 to 12.10.2020. No other mode of submission of application is allowed.

II. While applying online, candidate needs to upload the following documents:- a) Scanned copy of the recent passport size colour photograph in jpg/jpeg format (size not exceeding 40 KB). b) Scanned copy of signature with Black ink pen in jpg/jpeg format (size not exceeding 40 KB) c) Scanned copies of the self attested documents in pdf format as follows:

  • 1. Matriculation / Secondary Board level certificate / Municipal birth certificate, in support of age.
  • 2. Final Certificate for CA / CMA. 3. PAN Card.
  • 4. Candidates belonging to OBC (Non-Creamy Layer), SC / ST will have to upload self attested copy of valid caste certificate. OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) certificate should be as per the format prescribed by Government of India and it must be issued on or after 1st September 2019.
  • 5. For PwD category, certificate in the prescribed format of Govt. of India duly issued by the competent authority, has to be uploaded.
  • 6. Candidates belonging to Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) will have to upload self attested copy of valid Income & Asset certificate issued by the competent authority as per OM No .36039/1/2019-Estt (Res) dated 31.01.19 of DoPT, Ministry of PPG&P, Govt. of India.
  • 7. Discharge / Service Certificate in case of Ex-Servicemen.
  • 8. Certificate issued in the prescribed format by the competent authority in respect of J&K domicile, if applicable. 9. Meritorious Sportspersons certificate (if applicable).

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